Molar Pregnancy or Gestational Neoplasi Treatment

Home Molar Pregnancy or Gestational Neoplasi Treatment

Molar Pregnancy or Gestational Neoplasi Treatment

Category: Molar Pregnancy \ Gestational Neoplasia Treatment

A molar pregnancy is a rare complication of pregnancy associated with the growth of abnormal cells in the uterine cavity instead of the placenta. Larger than gestational age uterine size, abnormal first trimester bleeding, abnormal vaginal discharge, and abdominal pain can be the presenting symptoms. Diagnosis involves high b hcg values and USG. Sometimes molar pregnancies can persist to form malignancy. Treatment involves simple suction/curettage in OT setup. single or multiple agent chemotherapy which offers very high cure rates with minimum side effects. Patients can conceive successfully in most cases post-treatment completion. Hysterectomy/uterus removal is reserved only in cases of medical management failure, invasive molar pregnancy, excessive uncontrolled bleeding, or uterine perforation.

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